

Who am I and How did Farleigh Print Studios Start?

Well where do I begin?!? … I am a Wife, Mum and cute Doggy owner, who is not far from 50 years old/young! (me, not the pooch) I love nothing more than spending time with my family and friends, normally with a glass of something bubbly in my hand! I spend most of my time either at the theatre or running around like a loon, after the kids! … (And Husband of course)

I am the founder of ‘Site and Search’, our digital marketing business and also ‘Things for kids in Kent’ where I promote local activities, events and theatre, mainly for families, but also just for the adults sometimes too!

I have experienced many jobs over the years, including working with young people in many various settings, starting a Radio station, coordinating youth festivals, working with young parents, oh, I have also worked in accounts and for the last 16 years I have been building websites, becoming an SEO expert, creating various print projects such as leaflets, banners, business stationery and more recently I have added designing and producing school leaver’s Yearbooks to my skillset, along with currently working on a top secret project, which I am hoping to share with the world very soon and am very proud of indeed!

My personal passion has always been about seeing young people succeed and become confident adults, I love it when we see good people win, no matter what their age!

I believe we should do what we can to make occasions feel memorable and special, it not only makes people feel loved, it can create a wonderful memory that lasts everyone involved a life-time. Which is why I love creating these wonderful yearbooks. The children, parents and Grandparents love it when it comes home, then the children will love it even more in the future. To top all this off, it is a way I have found that can help local schools raise some funds too!